(1) E-commerce Solutions



C2C e-commerce website management system isa set of ASP+MSSQL based Web e-commerce program. The main function of the C2Celectronic commerce website program: using the cache update processing, queryand display block, background HTML template management, home goods and storeself-service recommendation function C2C e-commerce website management system,support up to three kinds of auction mode (the highest price, a price only andmost price three), online support recharge (CHINABANK), Alipay button payment,commodity support multi picture, four class set, also has a virtual currency,user fees shops, goods landing fees, purchase information platform, newsrelease, JS advertising management, Links, trading reminder e-mail, creditevaluation, messaging, information language filtering, user IP addressrestrictions, background rights management and other functions, aims to providea fair competitive trading network business platform for the majority ofInternet users friends.

(2) E-government


The elements of change are transformed intocustom features in the software, and commercial software is developed using thelatest software technology. The goal is to help customers quickly buildinternal communication platform and information sharing platform, and torealize the automation of work flow and document management, establish aflexible, efficient and secure electronic collaborative environment andknowledge management office.

(3) Meteorological portal information system


Hubei Meteorological Bureau website sincelaunch, has been an important platform for Hubei Meteorological Bureau offoreign propaganda, but with the rapid development of economy and society, theoriginal column structure and content of design has been unable to meet theneeds of the new situation, the revision in the web site overall structure andform are hoping for a breakthrough, and can be good keep the continuity of thecontent construction.

(4) Meteorological product information system


Accurate, convenient and rapid delivery ofmeteorological products to the user, in a sense, is indirectly to improve theaccuracy of prediction. At present, the meteorological products distributedmainly by telephone, television, radio and oral mail etc.. Today, with therapid development of economy, some professional users who are sensitive tometeorological information are becoming less and less satisfied with thisapproach. They require not only the meteorological department of meteorologicalforecast products conclusive, also provide some requirements such as satelliteimages, radar echo and transmission means of meteorological information,meteorological information is also put forward higher requirements. With thepopularization and use of computer communication technology in themeteorological department of our country in 80s, a modern meteorologicalinformation transmission tool, the remote meteorological terminal, was born.

(5) Heavy metal pollution, census monitoring data,management software

Agricultural ecological environmental protection of the agricultural soil heavy metal pollution monitoring station construction census data management platform includes two parts database system construction and application system construction, database system including basic data source database, GIS monitoring of heavy metals (including land types and elevation DEM) and model library, the application system construction including the monitoring data of the heavy metals spatial analysis and determination value analysis system (including exceed the standard, early warning function), the monitoring data of the heavy metals pollution source query system, on behalf of the regional area forecast, risk analysis and forecast.